About BAI

About Burma Action Ireland

Burma Action Ireland (BAI) was established in May 1996 to raise awareness of the situation in Burma and to promote human rights and democracy for the people of Burma.

Burma Action Ireland advocates for human rights, justice, accountability, democracy, and peace in Burma. This includes, but is not limited to, campaigning for the unconditional release of all political prisoners, supporting justice and accountability mechanisms, and advocating for the safe return of all refugees to their homes with international protection.

Burma Action Ireland pursues its goals through raising awareness of human rights abuses in Burma among the Irish public and encouraging their active involvement as well as seeking to influence key actors and policymakers in Ireland, the European Union & the international community on their position on Burma. We may also take other steps as necessary for the achievement of the organisation's aims.

Burma Action Ireland is composed of and run by volunteers interested in human rights, justice and development issues and is not affiliated to any political party.

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See our recent efforts and current actions towards condemning the military junta’s atrocities and supporting the plight of the Burmese civilians. 

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Become a voice against violence in Burma

Take a stand against the atrocities committed by Burma’s military junta and join our campaign for stronger international sanctions. 

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